Part 11: Moscow and even further

We walked on and on and I became more aware and conscious that this was indeed the right path. Step by step we became more sober. One last cigarette in front of the hotel, stepping from one leg to the other. At the reception our question about vodka. We were told in a friendly but firm manner that it was an alcohol-free hotel and that we should please respect that. So up the stairs, key out, into the room. We spread slush on the floor and I looked for the utensils. The following night was even more sleep deprived and the following morning even more tired. The following day similar to the first, only a bit more settled and the further evening more routine and the following night at least as sleep deprived and the then following morning was the day of the return flight. Still quickly to the Duma, raise a middle finger and post this on Facebook, Russia had just passed its homophobia law. Then the separation, two different airports, two different directions. I was sitting on the train to Domodedovo, the sun was shining and I was exhausted and somehow also quite happy. At the airport, the suitcases were loaded onto the plane, a rising full moon above the taxiway, I held a hand over my stomach and knew it had worked.

continue to part 12: Moscow afterwards