Part 29: First tour

Florence, Rome, Milan. By cab to the airport. We just had too much stuff for the commuter rail. With the stroller to the gate. Put on seat belt and receive life jacket for babies. Milla looked into a book, eventually fell asleep, and after landing, she yawned once hard. That was it and we were there.

First stop at the grandparents. Florence. Suddenly really slept in, nap taken, showered in peace, no vacuum cleaner droning, no diapers to buy, no laundry to do. I took a selfie and felt empty. I instantly had time for myself every day. I was overwhelmed. Wikipedia helped, a museum, the city and Gianni’s countless friends and I realized that my life was now going on again too. Milla was in grandma and grandpa’s arms and mine were free and I was practicing holding her somewhere and feeling good about it.

Rome. The sun was shining and the city was completely unstroller friendly. 250 euros for cabs in a week. We slept at the home of one of Gianni’s friends. Milla and I in the biggest bed. You in the middle of it and just as good as ever, if not better. Parks and some sightseeing during the day, theater in the evening, Gianni’s job. Valle Occupato, red velvet and Milla in the dressing room. Staying with dad, without mom, no, she didn’t want that yet and yelled that it could be heard in the auditorium.

Milan. Still good weather. We slept again at Gianni’s friends, this time Milla and I in a children’s room. Parks and sightseeing again during the day, theater in the evening. Red velvet again and us with the stroller up in the box. The first night we managed the beginning, the second night nothing, the third night the end.

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