Part 39: Turning point

Kita: 17.09.2014. X Day.
The Italians said to it: La pancia e buio (it’s dark in the belly). Remo Largo (famous pediatrician and, by the way, also Italian) said: put the children in the cribs! And my feeling said: out with you, you little worm, walk into the world!In fact, I was excited and calm at the same time. I was insanely looking forward to a changed everyday life. For Milla, it was time to be with other kids without me being there all the time. For me, it was time to access topics that didn’t deal with porridge, sleep schedules, and bowel habits.
When Milla, Gianni and I arrived, we were surrounded by a gaggle of one to two year olds. They were chattering away at us and we barely understood them. Milla remained on the arm. She looked at everything, but soon she began to fidget with her arms and legs. She wanted to get down. From the parental lap up on their own feet. Immediately she was surrounded by all the others. For older girls, she still resembled a doll at first. She was pressed and caressed and kissed. Books, cars, slide, ball, apple pieces, snotty noses, what’s your name, are you the mommy, playhouse, building block, gym rope followed. After an hour we were all exhausted and drove home. A week later Milla was already eating lunch, another week later and she was also taking her nap there. She brought us the first cold after three days. And then she had already arrived and had a bit of her own life already. Our preemie. Without us at all.

continue to part 40: Thanks to