Part 4: Emergence of Familyship

It was always dark. It was always after the job or weekend or before the job and continuously later fall. What flickered were our monitors. Teacups, coffee mugs, empty cigarette packets on the table. Next to it, stacks of paper with sketches, organizational charts, calculations. I discovered my biggest love-hate relationship when creating terms of service and privacy policies. That was before the NSA story, but still creepy.
The “We turn family upside down” flyer
Our first flyers were titled: Family wanted? In addition, such a pimped retro picture of their own great-grandparents, grandparents and parents when they were very small, in black and white and standing on their heads. Nice idea, you might think. Yes, now that everything is ready. But when the flyer was in front of me, I thought of lost relatives from the Yugoslav war and just wanted to escape.
4 weeks from idea to realization
With a lot of work, little capital and a new logo, Familyship was nevertheless a speedy birth. Four weeks passed from the idea to the first user. We were so proud. The first baby was ours and it was born with this. Our first user came from Hamburg and logged in only once.