Part 5: Dating

Man 1: down-to-earth, educated, wealthy. We were nervous, as if it was about the great love. The first phone calls with a shaky voice and a slip of the tongue in every other sentence. The first meeting was a hit. Coffee and cake on an outgoing summer day. Hug at the end, yeah sure, next week, gladly – our words on his proposal. We have him, we said, and, well, that was easy. Mailbox, mail and asking for an answer later. No reaction from him, never again.

Man 2: wicked, dark, daring. I was a little excited, but not dramatically. My girlfriend? No, I don’t bring them until the second date, er, meeting. You run the pre-selection? No nonsense. Well, yes. After all, our time is also limited. This time only tea. Still, a nice conversation, a nice atmosphere, a nice guy simply. I wanted to see him again. And my girlfriend came along this time. Again it was a nice conversation, a nice atmosphere and he a nice guy and now even a crème brûlée. He also called and sent an email. My girlfriend, however, saw it all quite differently and there were points when I finally agreed with her.

Man 3: charismatic, reflective, lively. We actually showed up two at a time, but he actually had an appointment with two at a time, and so we spent a very short afternoon between talking to him and halfway through his phone call, feeling redundant and yet just right, and thinking, well, can happen, and what was that now that we were back among ourselves. My pants, at least, were still drying on the street from the water my friend had accidentally spilled at the beginning.

Man 4: tall, smart as hell, multi-layered. A really great man, a really really great man. But not the father of my children. The chemistry just wasn’t right here. On a physical level. Simple somehow. Unfortunately.

Man 5: no idea. An email that he was just getting to know a woman, if that failed, but we might also be in question, how now exactly, he did not know just yet.

continue to Part 6: No more searching