Male, single, wanting children: it’s possible!


  • Being single as a man and wanting to have children may seem difficult to reconcile at first. But there are ways to become a father anyway. Single men can also fulfil their desire to become a father.
  • Platforms such as Familyship offer space for co-parenting, an option in which two or more people share responsibility for a child without being in a romantic relationship with each other.
  • The amount of childcare is individual. Some want to become a full-time dad, others prefer the ‘father with uncle function’ model or the option of becoming a private sperm donor. There are numerous women who are looking for a suitable male partner.

Co-parenting as an option for single men who want to have children

Co-parenting is a promising option for single men who want to have children. In co-parenting, two people who are not in a romantic relationship decide to have and raise a child together. The responsibilities and rights towards the child are clearly defined in advance.

From adoption to surrogacy

There are the following other options for men who are single to realise their desire to have children:

  • Adoption
    Single men have the option of adopting a child. However, the process is complex and requires thorough scrutiny and preparation. There are more people who want to adopt children than children who are eligible for adoption.
  • In vitro fertilisation (IVF) with a surrogate mother
    A single man can donate his sperm for IVF and use a surrogate mother to carry the baby to term. In Germany, surrogacy is currently prohibited by law (April 2024). However, some men switch to other countries (e.g. the USA) where surrogacy is legal.
  • Foster parents
    Single men can also decide to become foster parents (external link) for a child.

Familyship Bildmarke

Fulfill desire to have children with the help of Familyship

Familyship is a platform for people who want to have children. In our child wish community, people get to know each other who all have a desire to have children. Whether classic family, co-parenthood, rainbow family, multi-parenthood or single parenthood:
at Familyship your desire to have children is in good hands. We accompany you on your way to your own family.