“The sexual abstinence for a minimum of 12 weeks was hard”

Porträt eines dreiundzwanzigjährigen Mannes in einem schwarz-rot karierten Hemd, der seinen Freund mit seinem echten Lächeln ohne jede Verstellung anlächelt. Die authentische Stimmung eines jungen Mannes auf einer unentschlossenen Reise

Ben is sperm donor

What family model do you live in?

I am a sperm donor.

What do you like about this model?

I help people.

What have you experienced as difficult in this family model?

Sexual abstinence for at least 12 weeks to ensure sexual health, plus the time until they are pregnant. It also meant I couldn’t really date, which was a little lonely.

How could this difficulty be overcome?

With patience and finding meaning in what I do.