“With twins, a second guardian is very helpful”

Vanessa lives with the co-father and her twins in a shared apartment

In welchem Familienmodell lebst du?

I live in co-parenting in shared living arrangements. The children see no difference from other families.

What do you appreciate about this family model?

I was able to fulfill my dearest wish, which was to have a child, and I was even blessed with two. Nevertheless, I have much more freedom than many other women in a “conventional” family. I can go out on my own with friends sometimes and the same goes for my co-parenting partner. Not many women (and men) with young children have this luxury, as they often appear as a couple and rarely alone. Usually in this situation the woman gets the short end of the stick and stays at home with the children. I enjoy this freedom very much.

Was haben Sie in diesem Familienmodell als schwierig erlebt?

The most difficult thing is and was the other family members.

How could this difficulty be overcome?

I think even “real” in-laws often don’t see eye to eye. After all, my father realized that with twins, a second guardian is very helpful. As a WG and parents, we work well. With twins, we also need each other’s help.